Results for 'Björn Klaus Buschbeck'

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  1.  13
    Sprechen mit dem Heiligen und Eintauchen in den Text: Zur Wirkungsästhetik eines Passionsgebets aus dem ‚Engelberger Gebetbuch‘.Björn Klaus Buschbeck - 2019 - Das Mittelalter 24 (2):390-408.
    By means of a close reading of a single prayer on the Passion of Christ from the 14th century ‘Engelberg Prayerbook,’ this article analyzes three characteristic effects of reading medieval written prayers: first, the devotee assumes the role of the I constructed by the text. Secondly, this leads to an effect of immersion into a literarily constructed, imagined environment. Finally, these effects of reading aim at being surpassed by an immediacy of a divine answer that transcends the aesthetic and semantic (...)
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    Hybrid Identities and Hybrid Equational Logic.Klaus Denecke - 1995 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 41 (2):190-196.
    Hybrid identities are sentences in a special second order language with identity. The model classes of sets of hybrid identities are called hybrid solid varieties. We give a Birkhoff-type-characterization of hybrid solid varieties and develop a hybrid equational logic.
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    The partial orderings of the computably enumerable ibT-degrees and cl-degrees are not elementarily equivalent.Klaus Ambos-Spies, Philipp Bodewig, Yun Fan & Thorsten Kräling - 2013 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 164 (5):577-588.
    We show that, in the partial ordering of the computably enumerable computable Lipschitz degrees, there is a degree a>0a>0 such that the class of the degrees which do not cup to a is not bounded by any degree less than a. Since Ambos-Spies [1] has shown that, in the partial ordering of the c.e. identity-bounded Turing degrees, for any degree a>0a>0 the degrees which do not cup to a are bounded by the 1-shift a+1a+1 of a where a+1 (...)
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    Facial expressions allow inference of both emotions and their components.Klaus R. Scherer & Didier Grandjean - 2008 - Cognition and Emotion 22 (5):789-801.
    Following Yik and Russell (1999) a judgement paradigm was used to examine to what extent differential accuracy of recognition of facial expressions allows evaluation of the well-foundedness of different theoretical views on emotional expression. Observers judged photos showing facial expressions of seven emotions on the basis of: (1) discrete emotion categories; (2) social message types; (3) appraisal results; or (4) action tendencies, and rated their confidence in making choices. Emotion categories and appraisals were judged significantly more accurately and confidently than (...)
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  5. Paneth, Kant, and the philosophy of chemistry.Klaus Ruthenberg - 2009 - Foundations of Chemistry 11 (2):79-91.
    Immanuel Kant has built up a dualistic epistemology that seems to fit to the peculiarities of chemistry quite well. Friedrich Paneth used Kant’s concept and characterised simple and basic substances which refer to the empirical and to the transcendental world, respectively. This paper takes account of the Kantian influences in Paneth’s philosophy of chemistry, and discusses pertinent topics, like observables, atomism and realism.
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    Das auftreten Von -que im pferdebuch Des pelagonius und seine bedeutung für die quellenkritik.Klaus-Dietrich Fischer - 1981 - Philologus: Zeitschrift für Antike Literatur Und Ihre Rezeption 125 (1-2):155-158.
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  7. Konventionalismus oder Realismus?: vom logischen Positivismus zum methodologischen Anarchismus.Klaus Fischer - 1980 - Greven: Fischer.
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    The Social and Cognitive Dynamics of Paradigmatic Change: A Scientometric Approach.Klaus Fischer - 1992 - Science in Context 5 (1):51-96.
    ArgumentKuhnian phases of paradigmatic development correspond to characteristic variations of citation measures. These correlations can in turn be predicted from a simple model of human information processing when applied to the common environments of scientists. By combining a scientometric and a human information processing approach to the history of scientific thought, structures of disciplinary development, and in particular paradigmatic cycles, can be more reliably assessed than before. Consequently, the quantitative historian of science is liberated to some extent from the vagaries (...)
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    (1 other version)Handbook of the History of Logic.Klaus Glashoff - 2004 - Bulletin of Symbolic Logic 10 (4):579-583.
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    Altenburg.Klaus Goch - 2000 - In Nietzsches Vater Oder Die Katastrophe des Deutschen Protestantismus: Eine Biographie. De Gruyter. pp. 266-318.
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    Interludium II.Klaus Goch - 2000 - In Nietzsches Vater Oder Die Katastrophe des Deutschen Protestantismus: Eine Biographie. De Gruyter. pp. 189-191.
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    Cusanus-Rezeption in der Philosophie des 20. Jahrhunderts.Klaus Reinhardt & Harald Schwaetzer (eds.) - 2005 - Regensburg: S. Roderer.
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    Hegels Phänomenologie des Geistes: ein kooperativer Kommentar zu einem Schlüsselwerk der Moderne.Klaus Vieweg & Wolfgang Welsch (eds.) - 2008 - Frankfurt am Main: Suhrkamp.
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    Emotion regulation via reappraisal – mechanisms and strategies.Klaus R. Scherer - 2023 - Cognition and Emotion 37 (3):353-356.
    Emotion regulation, and in particular cognitive reappraisal. Gross has been booming in theory development and empirical research for the last two decades. A large number of publications have demonstrated the importance of these mechanisms for understanding and promoting well-being and mental health. It is thus timely for Cognition and Emotion to examine the current state of theory in this domain. The resultant invited article, authored by Uusberg, A., Ford, Uusberg, H., and Gross, aims to expand the scope of reappraisal theory (...)
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    Index of Names.Dominik Perler & Klaus Corcilius - 2014 - In Dominik Perler & Klaus Corcilius (eds.), Ockham on Emotions in the Divided Soul. Berlin & New York: De Gruyter. pp. 301-306.
    Does the soul have parts? What kind of parts? And how do all the parts make together a whole? Many ancient, medieval and early modern philosophers discussed these questions, thus providing a mereological analysis of the soul. Their starting point was a simple observation: we tend to describe the soul of human beings by referring to different types of activities (perceiving, imagining, thinking, etc.). Each type of activity seems to be produced by a special part of the soul. But how (...)
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    Comment: Comorbidity Between Mental and Somatic Pathologies: Deficits in Emotional Competence as Health Risk Factors.Klaus R. Scherer - 2018 - Emotion Review 10 (1):55-57.
    I strongly endorse many of the suggestions made by the authors of the extremely useful reviews in this issue. In particular, the need to identify the complex causal mechanisms underlying the major health risk factors requires urgent attention of the research community. I suggest considering the important role of emotional disturbances as contributors to health risks given the empirically established comorbidity between mental and somatic illness. Better knowledge of these mechanisms is an essential prerequisite to develop tailored personalized prevention and (...)
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    Person und Materie. Vom Pragmatismus zum Demokratischen Öko-Sozialismus.Klaus Ulrich Robra (ed.) - 2017 - München: GRIN Verlag.
    Here I try a new synthesis of personalism and materialism leading to new concepts of sense. Beginnig with the analysis of the correlations between matter, personality, language, understanding, cognition, knowledge, and the problem of truth, followed by a critique of pragmatism, personalism and "new realism" as well as by ontological concretisations in different fields of philosophy, i.e. in logical order from cosmology to anthropology, ethics, history and political philosophy (including globalization, digital revolution amd ecocide), aesthetics, and philosophy of religion, leading (...)
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  18. The Gate to Reality: Aristotle's Basic Account of Perception.Klaus Corcilius - 2021 - In Caleb M. Cohoe (ed.), Aristotle's on the Soul: A Critical Guide. New York, NY: Cambridge University Press. pp. 122-154.
    This chapter first argues against the widely accepted “mentalist” interpretation of Aristotle’s conception of the perception of external objects. On that view, the perception of objects results from an act of synthesis of the diverse perceptual input provided by the different sense modalities. I argue that Aristotle’s conception of perception does not require such mental “construction” of external objects. For him, we unfailingly perceive external objects by way of modally specific perception: perception without qualification is primarily of external 3-D objects, (...)
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    Scientific Practice and Ordinary Action: Ethnomethodology and Social Studies of Science. Michael Lynch.Klaus Amann - 1996 - Isis 87 (4):766-767.
  20.  5
    Melancholie und Ethik: eine philosophisch-theologische Auseinandersetzung mit den Grenzen sittlichen Subjektseins im 20. Jahrhundert.Klaus Arntz - 2003 - Regensburg: Pustet.
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    Unbegrenzte Lebensqualität?: bioethische Herausforderungen der Moraltheologie.Klaus Arntz - 1996 - Münster: Lit.
  22.  15
    Wahrheit und Wirklichkeit im Film: Philosophie des Dokumentarfilms.Klaus Arriens - 1999 - Würzburg: Königshausen & Neumann.
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  23. Deutero-Isaiah: A Commentary on Isaiah 40–55.Klaus Baltzer - 2001
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  24. Das Erhabene: Zwischen Grenzerfahrung Und Größenwahnein Gespräch Zwischen Jean-Frangois Lyotard Und Christine Pries.Klaus Bartels - 1989 - De Gruyter.
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    Evolution, Kultur, Sprache: eine Einführung.Klaus Bayer - 1994 - Bochum: Brockmeyer.
  26.  15
    "Liebe" im Wandel der Zeiten: kulturwissenschaftliche Perspektiven.Klaus Tanner (ed.) - 2005 - Leipzig: Evangelische Verlagsanstalt.
    Der Hallenser Theologe Klaus Tanner verortet die Theologie programmatisch im Kontext der Kulturwissenschaften. Christliche Theologie hat ein eigenstandiges Fundament in den Texten eines Grundbuches unserer Kultur: in der Bibel und ihrer breiten Rezeptions- und Wirkungsgeschichte. Die Wirkmachtigkeit christlichen Gedankengutes dokumentiert sich dabei immer auch als seine Transformation durch andere kulturelle Wirkgrossen. Exemplarisch zeigen das die in diesem interdisziplinaren Band versammelten Beitrage anhand des Liebesbegriffs. Das Spektrum der Untersuchungen reicht von exegetischen und theologiegeschichtlichen Darstellungen christlicher Liebestheologien uber Analysen zu nicht-christlichen (...)
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    ‘Oioi – Oioi – Iehieh!’ Democracy in Crisis! Aeschylus’ Persians for Contemporary Stages.Klaus M. Schmidt - 2023 - The European Legacy 28 (6):595-614.
    This article attempts a reinterpretation of Aeschylus’ Persians as primarily a warning about the instability of democracy following a major military victory against an overpowering totalitarian enemy. It discusses the historical and our contemporary ideas of the democratic principles of government versus the constant tendency towards a strongman regime. I argue that the play’s underlying philosophy is based on the Heraclitan idea of constant flux, which predates our modern ideas of the relativity of time and space, and the core concept (...)
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    Hegel e l'antichità classica.Klaus Düsing - 2001 - Napoli: Istituto italiano pergli studi filosofici. Edited by Salvatore Giammusso.
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    Celebrating transgression: method and politics in anthropological studies of culture: a book in honour of Klaus Peter Köpping.Ursula Rao, John Hutnyk & Klaus-Peter Köpping (eds.) - 2006 - New York: Berghahn Books.
    This book brings key authors in anthropology together to debate and transgress anthropological expectations.
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    Abkürzungsverzeichnis.Klaus Röhrborn - 1966 - In Provinzen Und Zentralgewalt Persiens Im 16. Und 17. Jahrhundert. De Gruyter. pp. 139-139.
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    Register.Klaus Röhrborn - 1973 - In Untersuchungen Zur Osmanischen Verwaltungsgeschichte. De Gruyter. pp. 168-180.
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    Vorwort.Klaus Röhrborn - 1973 - In Untersuchungen Zur Osmanischen Verwaltungsgeschichte. De Gruyter.
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    Verzeichnis der zitierten Literatur.Klaus Röhrborn - 1973 - In Untersuchungen Zur Osmanischen Verwaltungsgeschichte. De Gruyter. pp. 157-167.
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    Die Prologe der Reportata Parisiensia des Johannes Duns Scotus: Untersuchungen zur Textüberlieferung und kritische Edition.Klaus Rodler - 2005 - Innsbruck: Institut für Christliche Philosophie, Abteilung für die Quellenkunde der Philosophie und Theologie des Mittelalters, Katholisch-Theologische Fakultät der Universität Innsbruck. Edited by John Duns Scotus.
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    Bildung und Kultur.Klaus Schaller - 1968 - [Hamburg]: Leibniz-Verlag. Edited by Karl-H. Schäfer.
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    The Arrival: A Critical Reading of The Hard Way Out or The Man and the Satyr.Klaus M. Schmidt - 2015 - The European Legacy 20 (3):289-299.
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  37. Unconscious processes in emotion : the bulk of the iceberg.Klaus Scherer - 2005 - In Lisa Feldman Barrett, Paula M. Niedenthal & Piotr Winkielman (eds.), Emotion and Consciousness. New York: Guilford Press.
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    Der Staat des christlichen Gemeinwohls? Protestantische Staatsutopien und die Krise sozialstaatlicher Institutionen.Klaus Tanner - 1995 - Zeitschrift Für Evangelische Ethik 39 (1):151-162.
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    Schwärmer- und Sektierertum als außerwache "religionspsychopathologische" Erlebensstufen und die Schlafprediger.Klaus Thomas - 1962 - Archive for the Psychology of Religion 7 (1):149-167.
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    Inklusion und Exklusion im Sportverein: Theoretische Überlegungen und empirische Ergebnisse zur Partizipation von Personen mit Migrationshintergrund im organisierten Sport.Klaus Cachay & Carmen Borggrefe - 2022 - Sport Und Gesellschaft 19 (1):31-61.
    Zusammenfassung Der Beitrag verfolgt das Ziel, Mechanismen der Inklusion und Exklusion in Sportvereinen zu identifizieren, die die Partizipation von Personen mit Migrationshintergrund am organisierten Sport erklären können. Im Lichte von theoretischen Überlegungen zur „symbolischen Grenzziehung“ und „Zugehörigkeit“ werden Ergebnisse aus Fallstudien in Nordrhein-Westfalen und Baden-Württemberg präsentiert.
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    Contemplating History. Lectures and Essays. [REVIEW]Klaus J. Bade - 1986 - Philosophy and History 19 (2):159-159.
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    Bohemia and Its Neighbours. Society, Politics and Culture in Central Europe. [REVIEW]Klaus-Detlev Grothusen - 1979 - Philosophy and History 12 (1):71-72.
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    Handbook of Russian History. Vol. 1. [REVIEW]Klaus-Detlev Grothusen - 1983 - Philosophy and History 16 (2):162-163.
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    The End of Prussia from the Polish Perspective. [REVIEW]Klaus-Detlev Grothusen - 1988 - Philosophy and History 21 (1):98-99.
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    Metaphysik und Skeptizismus.Klaus Vieweg - 2023 - Nietzscheforschung 30 (1):45-51.
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  46. Identität Und Inklusion Im EuropaìˆIschen Sozialraum.Elisabeth Klaus, Clemens Sedmak, Ricarda Drüeke & Gottfried Schweiger (eds.) - 2010 - Vs Verlag FuìˆR Sozialwissenschaften.
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    Gedenkwort für Heinrich Hüni.Klaus Held - 2017 - Phänomenologische Forschungen 2017 (1):11-12.
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    Pilgrimages in contemporary Europe: Signs of national and universal culture.Klaus Guth - 1995 - History of European Ideas 20 (4-6):831-835.
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    Die Bestimmung des Menschen in der Erfahrung des SeIbstbewußtseins.Klaus Hammacher - 1995 - Fichte-Studien 8:87-97.
  50. Das Fundament der Ethik. Zur Bestimmung des Gewissens.Klaus Hammacher - 1969 - Philosophisches Jahrbuch 76 (2):243.
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